
Returned to fill time
But nothing rhymes
Bells just dong and chime
And I guess
The living world ain’t my place
No more than my silent grave.

Jiko burnt a rhyme

Now, the sign of a jiko in front of a stall is a sure bet on my next kinda meal. Githeri, maharagwe, mandondo, mbaazi name it. I was attached to this creation long before it hit the streets. As I’ll narrate to you.

Continue reading “Jiko burnt a rhyme”

Will it be TV or Books?

In six words

First off, Ben Carson’s mother had a solid truth about TV in Gifted Hands. Something she insistently drilled into the lives of her two sons. “Watching TV lets you watch others as they make money.” Hard nailed…. A childhood cliche and in adulthood this has become a nagging thought whenever I turn on the teli. And just how would you measure ‘too much?’ And what about reading others?

Continue reading “Will it be TV or Books?”

One day you’ll tell

About everything you could ever want to tale
Of a lost past; days that never went so well
About dreary paths that made me so pale
Of the vast travels, leave nothing out I beg
About the faces: places and facets of the trail
We’ve journeyed near and far; ever on tread.

Continue reading “One day you’ll tell”