Missing Home

My heart throbs, and my brain aches…
And every morning I walk like this around the pond, thinking;
About the places I’ve been, and the times I’ve lost
Aimlessly seeking satisfaction from many that abide.
Yet finding not an ounce from my vast wanderings.
I see days in the past unable to reclaim
Any moment to re-live and relieve my pain.
Perhaps I should have stayed.
Perhaps I should have laughed and loved more,
And just ventured into their mundane jokes,
Or perhaps I should have perhaps seen myself alive
Right there, where I now bitterly yearn.
Then these bathing swans, and the singing fishes,
would not have been thought as merrier; being more at home than I.

Biko, 13th January 2021

My response to Poets and Storytellers United Weekly Scribblings #52: Something About Mary

Rosemary is back with a Mary Oliver challenge and a poem chosen from Dreamwork. It’s called ‘Landscape’ and we are invited to choose a line or phrase and use it to inspire a new piece of our own writing. I chose the lines:

‘…every morning I walk like this around the pond thinking;

The image is free from Pixabay

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